Every piece is 100% (m)Organically made.

Hi, I’m Morgan.

My art isn't a destination, it's a journey. My canvas isn't a static surface, it's an evolving tapestry of the intricacies of my life and self.

My art is a deeply personal exploration of self. It's a validation of the myriad facets of myself, a processing of experiences, both joyful and poignant, particularly the abstract loss of my own memory, a consequence of my undergoing shock therapy as a young adult. The loss of connection, understanding, and comfort are scary things to face. I found I was able to face them when painting and engaging in artistic expression.

Artistic expression allowed me to heal in ways I never saw possible. This expression wasn’t about attaining some preordained aesthetic ideal; it was about a messy, glorious excavation of the soul. 

My tools are as diverse as the emotions I capture. Broken pieces, like fractured memories, find their way onto the canvas, a testament to the beauty that emerges from our imperfections.

My subject isn't static, it's a constant dance with emotions. I react, I respond, I reflect, leaving a trail of vibrant chaos on the canvas. This internal conflict, this push and pull between mindfulness and dissociation, is a dynamic ebb and flow, a layered tapestry woven through time. The chemistry of this engagement fuels the process, eventually birthing a visceral abstract image, a mirror reflecting the raw vulnerability of the soul.

This process, this act of wholehearted self-care, is my sanctuary. In it, I find the space to inhale, to exhale, to simply be. I believe this journey is a gift, a reminder to all of us to slow down, to listen to the whispers within, to tend to the garden of our hearts. There's so much more to be discovered, but for now, all I can do is this: inhale, exhale, and art.